Community Led Plan(CLP)

CLP Guidelines

'The Filkins & Broughton Poggs Community Led Plan' has the support of our Parish Council, but is independently managed by a Steering Group of six villagers.
The Steering Group acknowledge with thanks the preliminary work done by others during the difficult years of Covid and afterwards.
The CLP Steering Group currently comprises: Lee Bennett, Paul Floyd, Ian Grey, Andy Macer, Richard Martin (chairman), Sara Moule, Karen Todner.
Any compliment, suggestion, comment, and/or complaint about the management of the CLP is very welcome, and can be directed to the chairman at richard@naturalbest.co.uk, or via any member of the Steering Group.
Everyone who lives and/or works in the Parish of Filkins & Broughton Poggs is warmly invited to take part in all of the discussions and activities detailed on this website.
Please feel free to post and comment, and upload photographs, videos, and any other material and links that will better explain your idea, or comment on other posts.
Each category on the discussions pages is managed by a member of the Steering Group who will, from time to time, ask questions and conduct surveys on the discussion pages, all the better to understand the ideas that are being posted and how popular these ideas might be. Please assist with this process.
On the discussion pages, the categories are:
Built environment: Roads, houses, signage, conservation, heritage
Facilities: Shared space, village hall, pub, swimming pool, churches, shops
Getting together: Organisations, community, volunteering
Employment: Going to work, home-working, business
Great Outdoors: Fields, farming, trees, gardens, paths, exercise, pets
Transport links: Getting here, getting away, traffic, buses, parking
Future development: More houses, bigger village, adapting to change
Opportunities: The sky's the limit... Dreaming the ideal
It will be quite likely that the same topic will be taken up under more than one category.
When posting and commenting on the discussion pages, please consider these guidelines:
Involve: Take part, and encourage others
Suggest: If you have an idea, please share it
Debate: Explore the pros and cons with evidence
Explain: Comment "Yes, because..." (or "No, because...")
Connect: Remember: "I have an idea, we have a plan!"
Many thanks... And please come back often. For if we don't all contribute to the discussion, there can be no CLP.